Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Operation: Healthy Baby...Mission Accomplished!

She's here!!!!!!!

After 13 hours of labor my baby girl arrived at 0658 weighing 3 lbs and 1 oz, 15.75 inches long! I will post another blog with all of the details soon, but right now I am super busy and super tired....and of course I'll post pics!


  1. Oh my goodness!! I missed a LOT!!

    Congratulations! My sister had her baby yesterday too!! I can't wait to see pictures of her, I bet she is just precious!

    How are you feeling? I'm so glad Aaron was able to make it to be there for you and little Hannah. Happiness!!

  2. Congratulations! It's good to hear she's here and healthy :)

  3. Congrats!! You must be over the moon!!!
    Get some rest! You'll need it!

  4. YAYYYYYY~ Cant wait to visit

  5. Congrats! Glad to hear everybody's doing well.

  6. Congratulations! Can't wait to see pictures!
