Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 16, 2009

He <3's me!!!

So today (day number 12) Aaron finally called! I was actually rather surprised to hear from him because I found out yesterday afternoon that the six day mission had been changed to 18 friggin days! Which would make a grand total of 21 days without talking to him since he called a few days before they left. One of Aaron's soldiers just got home for R&R and his wife was kind enough to text me to fill me in on that since I was clearly anxious about him calling. You can imagine how bummed I was to think of having to go another 10 days without talking to him. And you can also imagine how ecstatic I was when he called me today! I don't know how he got to call, nor did I ask (there's no point really since he can't give me details anyway), but I do know that hearing his voice for 30 minutes totally made my day, and was the perfect start to my week!