Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Two more days and I'm outta here!

That's right folks, I'm gonna be MIA for the next week! I just wanted to write one last blog before my big adventure.

So, the hubs called this morning. Not the best conversation we've had since he left...I absolutely broke down! Now, since many of you do not know me, I do not show emotion very well, especially sadness/crying. If need be, I can be a stone wall. But I have held it together for as long as possible. I have kept myself busy and my mind occupied for over three months now, and I just couldn't take one more second. I am so tired of this deployment and I just want to see my husband. Lets not forget that I am pregnant and hormonal and emotional anyway, so I think holding it together for three months is pretty good considering my state. But I hate that our conversation wasn't all rainbows and butterflies. Cause I know that me having a break down like that doesn't help his morale. Ugh, 145 days til I get to see him again!

I *heart* my mom! She bought me a new nifty vacuum! A dyson animal one to be exact. It's supposed to be at my house today and I can't wait to get home and use it! I have never been so excited to vacuum in my whole life. Haha!

So, I will be gone until June 9th. I will give all my wonderful followers an update on my lovely vacation (w/ pics!) when I return. Don't miss me too much!


  1. Hey lady! We put so much pressure on ourselves to be strong for us and them! Sometimes it just gets the better of us- I'm with you on being a stonewall! But we all break at some point!!

    I got a dyson last year! I LOVE IT!!!! I did some research and the regular ol' yellow dyson actually got better reviews with animals than the purple animal one. I have a 95 lb golden retriever so this was definitely a concern for me! All the same... it's a dyson=lifetime guarantee baby!!!! =)

    Oh and I don't live on Post either. I'm off Powers and Aeroplaza (just outside the west gate of Peterson AFB). Hopefully we'll get together after your cruise! Have an awesome time.

  2. Can't wait to see pictures lady. Sorry your sick... you didn't get the swine flu on your cruise right?! ewwww... ;-p Let me know when your free. My schedule is pretty much wide open- because I suck and have no job. ha ha
