Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Prissy Pants

I can say that my daughter gets her demanding attitude honestly...from me! I was holding her and all of a sudden she threw a FIT! Her diaper had been changed, so it wasn't that. She wasn't in some weired position, so I knew she was comfortable. I re swaddled her so she could feel secure. She was screaming, arms flailing!!! Finally I stuck her binki in her mouth. ***Ding ding ding, we have a winner! All that for a pacifier!

Whew, I have my work cut out for me!!!

This picture was taken when she was one day old, just so you can see just how small 3 lbs 1 oz is.


  1. All I saw was the 10 dollars... gimme! lol :) PS: "plugs" As I affectionately refer to the pacifiers were invented for a reason! Use em', if you need em'! There is NO shame in that regardless of whatever another may tell you (at some juncture). :)

  2. She's so little!

    Wow-- I'd go out and buy a few more pacifiers.. What if you lost one!
