Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 11, 2009

THE best news!

So I was talking with Hannah's nurse yesterday, and she told me that Hannah could be coming home in as little as three weeks! It all depends on how well she does with eatting from a bottle/breast. She has to be able to eat and gain weight...some babies born early have a hard time with it because sucking can be exhausting for them, so they don't eat enough to gain weight. So lets hope she does well with it and is able to come home sooner rather than later (at the most it will be six weeks).

Hannah wearing clothes for the first time.


  1. Congratulations!! That's wonderful news!! And Hannah looks great- she already looks a lot bigger!!

  2. What great news!! I bet you are looking forward to having her in your house in her crib!
    My toughts are still with you and Hannah

  3. That is such great news!!! I must say it's awfully coincidental, the day I go to the hospital to visit you get such great news! ;) I make a fantastic good luck charm!! Woooo!

  4. Awww! I'm so excited for you all! :)

  5. She has such big eyes! That's terrific, I'll keep my fingers crossed for her!
