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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

snail mail

So, remember how I said that sending care packages to my hubby overseas was one of my favorite wifely duties? It still is. But it is a lot less joyful when he doesn't receive the packages. Such as his Father's Day gift that I sent in plenty of time for him to get it by Father's Day....he still hasn't gotten it! That's not the only one that he hasn't gotten, but it's the most delayed.

There was a meeting with the battalion commander on Monday (he is home on leave). He generally went over what's happened so far, what's going on now, and what to expect closer to them returning. Then he opened the floor for questions and/or comments. So, I told me about the predicament with Aaron not getting his mail in over a month. He said he would look into it and email me, and that he hasn't heard of any complaints of people not getting mail. Maybe it's just cause I seem to have luck like that.

So, now that it's been brought to someones attention, maybe something will get done and he will finally get his could only hope anyway....


  1. oh no... i hope he gets it soon :)

  2. RA better get his care packages!!!!

  3. I think Jason has received his packages late this past year for every holiday. It never failed lol. I hope he gets it soon!

  4. BAH humbug!!! I know it sucks when you are singled out.. hopefully they get it worked out. =)
