Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Over the hump

So today marks five months since my hubby left for Iraq (which then turned into Afghanistan). We aren't over the deployment hump, but we have made it over the hump to R&R! Woot woot! Approx 97 days til I get to see his face!

Yesterday I had my 24 week ob/gyn appointment. Things are looking "fabulous" according to my doctor. Blood pressure is great, fundal height is right where it should be, I gained eight pounds since my last appointment (I don't know if I really feel great about this, but she did), and the baby's heartbeat is 152. And the reports from the extra ultrasound that was preformed came back. That extra tissue is scar tissue from the D&C I had with my miscarriage, and they got clear pictures of Hannah's spine. Everything looks normal. So I can stop worrying (for now). Four weeks til my next appointment then I start going in every two! I can't believe I'm nearing my last trimester! Ahhh! Time is really going fast.


  1. glad everything turned out good with the sono! & not too much longer till R&R! :)

  2. YEAY! =) I'm glad things are going well. Let me know if you need anything...
