Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I do not think I am the luckiest person in the world.

Monday I was talking with one of my friends who had gotten a jury summons for the fourth time. I told her that I had never had one, ever. And we were laughing and joking about it and I told her about Aaron getting one to appear on his birthday of all days! And I said something along the lines of, watch I'll go home and have one of those little papers sitting in my mail box. Well, I didn't. BUT...Wednesday I checked my mail, and guess what?? There it sat. Those people in the court system must have some awful powerful hearing, because I swear they over heard me and put one in the mail that same day. So, anyway I have a jury summons for August 10th. Yay (please note the sarcasm here). I totally jinxed myself!

I'm really not so pissed about getting the summons, but don't you have to be a registered voter to receive one? Well, I know for a fact that I registered to vote when I got my driver's license right after we moved here. So I tried to vote in the presidential election last November and was told that I was not registered, and that it was past the deadline to do so. But now this thing popped up in my mailbox so I'm a little peeved that I did not get to vote and yet still have to serve jury duty.


  1. I don't think that you have to be registered to vote. I think you just have to have a license.

    I live in Georgia but my license is in Texas. A few months ago, I got a summons requesting me to be at a hearing in Texas. Laughed my butt off. I got out of it of course!

  2. They suck.... but don't fret... you might just be a "back-up" and not have to go in. That's what happened to me. stay positive. =)
