This is exactly why I do not associate with the FRG; yesterday we received an email that there is an urgent meeting today, and they would like for everyone to attend. The meeting is at 1830 in the FRC building. That's all it said. Okay, what the fuck is the FRC building, and where is hell is it?
So I emailed the FRG leader back and asked her for the location. She said, "The easiest way for me to tell you is that it's by the houseing (that's how she spelled it) meeting."
Um, okay so that tells me NOTHING. Could I have an address or a building number or even a land mark nearby? Also, I don't live on post, so how would I know where anything pertaining to housing is? Seriously, how can you be the leader of anything when you can't even give more than 24 hour notice to an 'urgent' meeting and specific directions!? Her communication skills suck and I intend on letting someone know that in the future it would be helpful if someone with a little more intelligence was the one to give out important information.
So if any of you are familiar with Fort Carson, and could help me with this matter I would greatly appreciate it.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yesterday I had a 3D/4D ultrasound done! It was so amazing to see my little princess and see her move around and all of her facial features! I think she looks so much like Aaron, especially to see his baby pictures from a few days old. But, for most of it she had her legs in front of her face playing with her toes, lol. We got a few good pictures, but I wanted to have a video made to send to Aaron, and for most of it you couldn't see much. The lady said I could come back on Saturday to have another one done for free since Hannah didn't want to cooperate lol.
Monday, July 27, 2009
It has finally happened.
I weigh over 180 lbs. I am a tall gal, 5'10", with kinda large ASSets. So it's not really a surprise that I have reached this terrible number on the scale....but I hoped it would be a little later in my pregnancy. Like maybe the last week. The doctor has reassured me that my weight is normal and nothing to be concerned about, especially since it's summer and I am probably retaining water. Yay. That makes me want to sit here and cry (while I eat my brownie).
I'm not trying to toot my own horn...
Okay, actually, yes I am!
In the five and a half months since my husband has been gone there are several of his normal household duties that I have had to take responsibility for. Here is the list of things that I have done with little or no help.
1. Successfully turn on sprinkler system (for more on this, please refer to this blog.)
2. Mow the grass bi-weekly.
3. Install new front porch light fixture (without electrocuting myself or catching anything on fire, might I add).
4. Remember to take vehicles in for regular maintenance.
5. Take the trash out to the curb every Tuesday night.
6. Paint baby Hannah's room. (And for all of you who want to throw your 2 cents in, my doctor said it was fine as long as I wasn't working with lead-based paint)
7. Learn how to operate the grill.
8. Put up the crib.
9. Put up new blinds in the baby's room (FYI, it was a BITCH) and hang curtains.
10. Empty large, heavy bag of dog food into container where we store it.
11. Refill water softener with salt pellets.
None of this may seem too terribly difficult to anyone else, but these are all the things that he would normally do, and I wouldn't have to lift my pretty little finger to help. So, I have managed to keep up with my normal duties, and now his as well. It defiantly keeps me busy when I'm not at my 40-hour-a-week-job. And I just wanted to say that I am proud of myself for doing it all, while being pregnant! I am also proud of the other military wives who manage to hold down the fort while their spouses are gone. Whether it be for a week, or a year and a half, kudos to you too for getting it all done and not running home to your Mommy!
In the five and a half months since my husband has been gone there are several of his normal household duties that I have had to take responsibility for. Here is the list of things that I have done with little or no help.
1. Successfully turn on sprinkler system (for more on this, please refer to this blog.)
2. Mow the grass bi-weekly.
3. Install new front porch light fixture (without electrocuting myself or catching anything on fire, might I add).
4. Remember to take vehicles in for regular maintenance.
5. Take the trash out to the curb every Tuesday night.
6. Paint baby Hannah's room. (And for all of you who want to throw your 2 cents in, my doctor said it was fine as long as I wasn't working with lead-based paint)
7. Learn how to operate the grill.
8. Put up the crib.
9. Put up new blinds in the baby's room (FYI, it was a BITCH) and hang curtains.
10. Empty large, heavy bag of dog food into container where we store it.
11. Refill water softener with salt pellets.
None of this may seem too terribly difficult to anyone else, but these are all the things that he would normally do, and I wouldn't have to lift my pretty little finger to help. So, I have managed to keep up with my normal duties, and now his as well. It defiantly keeps me busy when I'm not at my 40-hour-a-week-job. And I just wanted to say that I am proud of myself for doing it all, while being pregnant! I am also proud of the other military wives who manage to hold down the fort while their spouses are gone. Whether it be for a week, or a year and a half, kudos to you too for getting it all done and not running home to your Mommy!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Boredom at it's best
I stumbled across the website called, and I decided to have a little fun at my dear husband's expense!
...these are similar to basic training glasses...

...I think he has the same hair stylist as Chewbacca...
...there's nothing like a man wearing a satin shirt...
1972 1974
...same hairstyle his mom probably had that year...
...I love Brillo pads...
1988 know mullets are SEXY...


...I never dated a BROTHA...

Thank you, Aaron, for helping me pass the time today at Front Range Orthopaedics.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
snail mail
So, remember how I said that sending care packages to my hubby overseas was one of my favorite wifely duties? It still is. But it is a lot less joyful when he doesn't receive the packages. Such as his Father's Day gift that I sent in plenty of time for him to get it by Father's Day....he still hasn't gotten it! That's not the only one that he hasn't gotten, but it's the most delayed.
There was a meeting with the battalion commander on Monday (he is home on leave). He generally went over what's happened so far, what's going on now, and what to expect closer to them returning. Then he opened the floor for questions and/or comments. So, I told me about the predicament with Aaron not getting his mail in over a month. He said he would look into it and email me, and that he hasn't heard of any complaints of people not getting mail. Maybe it's just cause I seem to have luck like that.
So, now that it's been brought to someones attention, maybe something will get done and he will finally get his could only hope anyway....
There was a meeting with the battalion commander on Monday (he is home on leave). He generally went over what's happened so far, what's going on now, and what to expect closer to them returning. Then he opened the floor for questions and/or comments. So, I told me about the predicament with Aaron not getting his mail in over a month. He said he would look into it and email me, and that he hasn't heard of any complaints of people not getting mail. Maybe it's just cause I seem to have luck like that.
So, now that it's been brought to someones attention, maybe something will get done and he will finally get his could only hope anyway....
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Counting down the days
So, in less than 100 days I will be a mommy! I have 14 weeks left of my pregnancy. It is going by so fast! But that really helps the deployment to go by fast too.
Speaking of the deployment, we are now five months in! I think the rest will fly by. I am planning on quitting work September 25th. And I still have lots to do to prepare for baby Hannah. Of course Aaron will be home for two weeks in October and then I'll have the baby to take care of for the last portion.
I still can't believe how fast time goes. I am so nervous and excited about having my baby girl! It almost seems unreal.
Speaking of the deployment, we are now five months in! I think the rest will fly by. I am planning on quitting work September 25th. And I still have lots to do to prepare for baby Hannah. Of course Aaron will be home for two weeks in October and then I'll have the baby to take care of for the last portion.
I still can't believe how fast time goes. I am so nervous and excited about having my baby girl! It almost seems unreal.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I do not think I am the luckiest person in the world.
Monday I was talking with one of my friends who had gotten a jury summons for the fourth time. I told her that I had never had one, ever. And we were laughing and joking about it and I told her about Aaron getting one to appear on his birthday of all days! And I said something along the lines of, watch I'll go home and have one of those little papers sitting in my mail box. Well, I didn't. BUT...Wednesday I checked my mail, and guess what?? There it sat. Those people in the court system must have some awful powerful hearing, because I swear they over heard me and put one in the mail that same day. So, anyway I have a jury summons for August 10th. Yay (please note the sarcasm here). I totally jinxed myself!
I'm really not so pissed about getting the summons, but don't you have to be a registered voter to receive one? Well, I know for a fact that I registered to vote when I got my driver's license right after we moved here. So I tried to vote in the presidential election last November and was told that I was not registered, and that it was past the deadline to do so. But now this thing popped up in my mailbox so I'm a little peeved that I did not get to vote and yet still have to serve jury duty.
Monday I was talking with one of my friends who had gotten a jury summons for the fourth time. I told her that I had never had one, ever. And we were laughing and joking about it and I told her about Aaron getting one to appear on his birthday of all days! And I said something along the lines of, watch I'll go home and have one of those little papers sitting in my mail box. Well, I didn't. BUT...Wednesday I checked my mail, and guess what?? There it sat. Those people in the court system must have some awful powerful hearing, because I swear they over heard me and put one in the mail that same day. So, anyway I have a jury summons for August 10th. Yay (please note the sarcasm here). I totally jinxed myself!
I'm really not so pissed about getting the summons, but don't you have to be a registered voter to receive one? Well, I know for a fact that I registered to vote when I got my driver's license right after we moved here. So I tried to vote in the presidential election last November and was told that I was not registered, and that it was past the deadline to do so. But now this thing popped up in my mailbox so I'm a little peeved that I did not get to vote and yet still have to serve jury duty.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Over the hump
So today marks five months since my hubby left for Iraq (which then turned into Afghanistan). We aren't over the deployment hump, but we have made it over the hump to R&R! Woot woot! Approx 97 days til I get to see his face!
Yesterday I had my 24 week ob/gyn appointment. Things are looking "fabulous" according to my doctor. Blood pressure is great, fundal height is right where it should be, I gained eight pounds since my last appointment (I don't know if I really feel great about this, but she did), and the baby's heartbeat is 152. And the reports from the extra ultrasound that was preformed came back. That extra tissue is scar tissue from the D&C I had with my miscarriage, and they got clear pictures of Hannah's spine. Everything looks normal. So I can stop worrying (for now). Four weeks til my next appointment then I start going in every two! I can't believe I'm nearing my last trimester! Ahhh! Time is really going fast.
Yesterday I had my 24 week ob/gyn appointment. Things are looking "fabulous" according to my doctor. Blood pressure is great, fundal height is right where it should be, I gained eight pounds since my last appointment (I don't know if I really feel great about this, but she did), and the baby's heartbeat is 152. And the reports from the extra ultrasound that was preformed came back. That extra tissue is scar tissue from the D&C I had with my miscarriage, and they got clear pictures of Hannah's spine. Everything looks normal. So I can stop worrying (for now). Four weeks til my next appointment then I start going in every two! I can't believe I'm nearing my last trimester! Ahhh! Time is really going fast.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Bad day
So my husband called me from Afghanistan today and told me that their vehicle had been hit by an IED. A few guys were hurt but no one was killed, thank God! He didn't go into much detail about it, so that's basically all that I know. I'm just glad that everyone is pretty much okay, and that their injuries will heal and nothing is permanent.
But I was obviously upset by this. It's scary, and I think until it happens to your loved one or someone you know, the whole situation isn't that real. So I was crying after we got off of the phone. My boss asked me what was wrong and I told her. She tried to comfort me a little, but wanted to know if I would be able to finish the day at work. Um, yeah I can but that doesn't mean that I want to sit at my desk all day and pretend to be happy and listen to patients problems when they call. I have my own stress to deal with.
Did she offer to let me go home? No. That's fine, because I can handle it. What pisses me off about it is this other girl I work with. First of all she one of the laziest people I know and will find any way to get out of her work. Basically she is a piece of shit. Two weeks ago someone at work "hurt her feelings" so she left early and even took the next day off! So why is it that she can whine and get special treatment, but I have a legitimate reason to be upset and don't get shit?! It's fucked up.
But I was obviously upset by this. It's scary, and I think until it happens to your loved one or someone you know, the whole situation isn't that real. So I was crying after we got off of the phone. My boss asked me what was wrong and I told her. She tried to comfort me a little, but wanted to know if I would be able to finish the day at work. Um, yeah I can but that doesn't mean that I want to sit at my desk all day and pretend to be happy and listen to patients problems when they call. I have my own stress to deal with.
Did she offer to let me go home? No. That's fine, because I can handle it. What pisses me off about it is this other girl I work with. First of all she one of the laziest people I know and will find any way to get out of her work. Basically she is a piece of shit. Two weeks ago someone at work "hurt her feelings" so she left early and even took the next day off! So why is it that she can whine and get special treatment, but I have a legitimate reason to be upset and don't get shit?! It's fucked up.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Day 2
of MJ! AHHHHHHHH! Please turn it off!
The lady I sit next to at work listened to stuff about MJ for eight hours yesterday! And now today she is listening to it again. Oh.My.God. Get a life!
I do feel really bad for his family, but honestly I think there are many people who parish every day that don't get the recognition that they deserve. He's being treated as if he's the president of the United States! Furthermore, I don't feel like it's much of a tragedy because he died from abusing a medication used during surgery. So it's kinda his own fault. Seven American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan Monday and their names weren't even mentioned in the media. They died for our freedom, what did Michael do? I think our country's priorities are seriously not in order!
The lady I sit next to at work listened to stuff about MJ for eight hours yesterday! And now today she is listening to it again. Oh.My.God. Get a life!
I do feel really bad for his family, but honestly I think there are many people who parish every day that don't get the recognition that they deserve. He's being treated as if he's the president of the United States! Furthermore, I don't feel like it's much of a tragedy because he died from abusing a medication used during surgery. So it's kinda his own fault. Seven American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan Monday and their names weren't even mentioned in the media. They died for our freedom, what did Michael do? I think our country's priorities are seriously not in order!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Four wonderful years
This year July 7th is a very bitter-sweet day for me, because it marks mine and Aaron's fourth wedding anniversary. It is happy that we are celebrating our marriage, but it's also sad because I cannot celebrate it with him. We've had good times, and bad times, and survived a 16 month deployment and are now currently surviving a 12 month one. Our relationship has, by no means, been perfect. We have both made mistakes, but at the end of the day no matter how mad we've been, we still are in love. I guess maybe that's what true love is, being able to love someone despite the hurtful things they have done. I honestly cannot believe that it has been four years since I became Mrs Aaron Billings, time has really flown by, but at the same time it feels like its been so much longer because of all that we've accomplished in that short amount of time.
So, anyway I would like to tell my husband, Happy Anniversary Babe! I love you and miss you so much, and even though we cannot be together at this time I know we are always together in our hearts. Being your wife is the most important job that I have ever had. Being separated is hard, but I love knowing that you picked me to wait for you, stand by you, and support you through it all, and please know that I always will. Your love is always worth the wait. *muah*
July 7, 2005
So, anyway I would like to tell my husband, Happy Anniversary Babe! I love you and miss you so much, and even though we cannot be together at this time I know we are always together in our hearts. Being your wife is the most important job that I have ever had. Being separated is hard, but I love knowing that you picked me to wait for you, stand by you, and support you through it all, and please know that I always will. Your love is always worth the wait. *muah*

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Pregnancy moment
So I had a pregnancy melt down this morning. Actually it was about an hour ago.
Anyway, in case you don't remember, Aaron has been relocated to another place. He left last Tuesday and I haven't heard from him since then. I have been anxiously awaiting his call. Two of my other Army wife friends, whose husbands are with mine, have both heard from theirs and told me that they were going out on a nine day mission. And that they thought they had left this morning. I was so pissed because Aaron hadn't called, and I couldn't even imagine that he would leave for that many days without even telling me...and to top it off our anniversary is Tuesday! I was furious that he was being so inconsiderate of his pregnant wife who he knows is waiting for his call.
I decided to use all of that negative energy to do something productive, like mow the lawn. So I was outside for all of 15 minutes, and when I came back in I had a voice mail from.....AARON! I broke down hysterically crying because I had missed his call and been so angry with him all morning. I called one of my friends, and she was like, girl, you're just pregnant and emotional...I have never seen you get this upset about missing his call! She's probably right, but I hate missing his calls especially on the weekend, because when he calls during the week I am usually at work and it's very hard to talk (remember the inconsiderate bitches?).
So, hopefully he calls me back in the next few days, because I really miss his voice!
Anyway, in case you don't remember, Aaron has been relocated to another place. He left last Tuesday and I haven't heard from him since then. I have been anxiously awaiting his call. Two of my other Army wife friends, whose husbands are with mine, have both heard from theirs and told me that they were going out on a nine day mission. And that they thought they had left this morning. I was so pissed because Aaron hadn't called, and I couldn't even imagine that he would leave for that many days without even telling me...and to top it off our anniversary is Tuesday! I was furious that he was being so inconsiderate of his pregnant wife who he knows is waiting for his call.
I decided to use all of that negative energy to do something productive, like mow the lawn. So I was outside for all of 15 minutes, and when I came back in I had a voice mail from.....AARON! I broke down hysterically crying because I had missed his call and been so angry with him all morning. I called one of my friends, and she was like, girl, you're just pregnant and emotional...I have never seen you get this upset about missing his call! She's probably right, but I hate missing his calls especially on the weekend, because when he calls during the week I am usually at work and it's very hard to talk (remember the inconsiderate bitches?).
So, hopefully he calls me back in the next few days, because I really miss his voice!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
20 things about 20 people
1. I really think you are a slutty bitch. You change your mind from day to day about what you want from your life, and nothing ever makes you happy. You are one of the most self-centered people I know, and I feel sorry for your spouse, who you are clearly using. You still party like you're in college. You are way to immature to be a mom because you put your wants over the kid's needs. It's obvious to everyone around you how you have such low self esteem. Grow Up!
2. You are one of the kindest people that I know. You have the biggest heart and are always there for your friends. You are one of the few true friends I have because I can tell you anything and know you will never judge me. I'm so glad that you came back!
3. We have been friends for so many years, and even though I made some mistakes when we were younger that could've ruined a friendship, you forgave me, and that's what true friends do. It makes me so sad that we live so far apart and don't get to see each other often. You make me laugh more than anyone else I know!
4. I love you, despite how much you've hurt me. Some of your actions are not entirely your fault, but you really need to get some help. You had a bad example of how a relationship should be, and unfortunately is has affected our relationship. I really feel sorry for you, because I don't think you see what you have done. I hope one day you will realize how much damage you have done.
5. I have never met you, but I love you more than anything in the world. I hope that you always know how much you mean to me and I never let you down. Your existence is everything that I ever wanted. You will always come first in my life, no matter what.
6. As much as I want our relationship to be like it was, it never will be. I trusted you and you betrayed me. And I think you have settled on a life that doesn't make you happy, and I really don't know why. I wish you would get away from the people who are bringing you down, because you don't seem happy.
7. You are the most two-faced person I know. It is obvious that you are so unhappy that you can't be happy for anyone else. You have such low self-esteem that you are incapable of making decisions for yourself, and are in need of constant approval. I honestly don't know why your spouse married you, much less stayed with you for almost 20 years. You are a bitch and you need to be on medication because you have serious emotional problems.
8. I really care about you, but I think that you are immature sometimes and don't know how to deal with real world problems. I really thought that we were going to be good friends, but now I don't know if I still feel that way.
9. I am in love with you. I have always loved you, and I always will love you, that will never change. I really wish that I could tell you how much you meant o me, but it's hard because of our past. I also think you are making a huge mistake but no one can make that decision for you, but yourself.
10. You are one of my best friends and we are so much alike. Sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself. You are always there for me, but don't hesitate to tell me when I'm being a fuck up. Sometimes I need tough love though and you give me that. I feel like we aren't as close as we used to be because of our busy lives and the distance between us, and that makes me sad.
11. Where do I begin with you? You have made so many mistakes that have shaped my adult life. You weren't supportive when I needed you the most. You were supposed to give me unconditional love and support but you failed. You were always judgemental and nothing was ever good enough, and it still isn't. I learned a lot from you about what I don't want to become. I will always have anger toward you and nothing you do now can change that.
12. I think you are narrow-minded and ignorant. You give stupid advice that no one in their right mind would glisten to. It irritates me just to hear you talk. I think you failed your child and they have suffered because of it. They don't know how to show love because you are such a cold person and didn't give them the affection that they deserved. I am glad that I only have to deal with you a few times a year.
13. You don't have your priorities in order. You let your spouse dictate everything you do in your life and I don't understand why you are married to someone who is so needy. Our relationship has really suffered because you never stood up for yourself.
14. I wish I would've never met you. You are controlling and abusive. You are the biggest dick I know and I hate you. It's really sad how stupid I was about our relationship, because I am better than that and deserve more.
15. I am really glad that we have become such good friends. You have helped me so much since Aaron's been gone. I do think you need to quit partying so much and have different priorities. But you are a great person and I hope we are friends for a long time.
16. We didn't get to spend as much time together as we needed to. I miss you every day and need you so often. You set the greatest example I had in my life. You were really like a mother to me, and I love you so much.
17. I don't know why I was ever friends with you. You were always a hypocrite and thought everyone else was so wrong yet you were doing stuff that was even worse. You made every one believe that you were so perfect, but it was just a huge lie. I'm glad that I moved away and got away from you.
18. Your life is so sad. I hope that some day you figure out what you want from life. You had so much potential yet you got involved with the wrong people and ruined your life. I wish that we could've remained friends and I could've helped you before it was too late.
19. You make me happier than most things in my life. I wish I could spend all day with you every day! Having your companionship has helped me so many times and I can't bear to think of you getting old. You always make me smile.
20. I don't think anyone knows the real you. You find it very hard to really trust people. Some of the people you have loved most in your life have hurt you the most. I don't know if you will ever be really happy, but you seem to accept things the way they are even though you always wonder "what if." You are too scared to take that chance that could make you happiest. It's sad that you might spend your whole life never knowing true love.
2. You are one of the kindest people that I know. You have the biggest heart and are always there for your friends. You are one of the few true friends I have because I can tell you anything and know you will never judge me. I'm so glad that you came back!
3. We have been friends for so many years, and even though I made some mistakes when we were younger that could've ruined a friendship, you forgave me, and that's what true friends do. It makes me so sad that we live so far apart and don't get to see each other often. You make me laugh more than anyone else I know!
4. I love you, despite how much you've hurt me. Some of your actions are not entirely your fault, but you really need to get some help. You had a bad example of how a relationship should be, and unfortunately is has affected our relationship. I really feel sorry for you, because I don't think you see what you have done. I hope one day you will realize how much damage you have done.
5. I have never met you, but I love you more than anything in the world. I hope that you always know how much you mean to me and I never let you down. Your existence is everything that I ever wanted. You will always come first in my life, no matter what.
6. As much as I want our relationship to be like it was, it never will be. I trusted you and you betrayed me. And I think you have settled on a life that doesn't make you happy, and I really don't know why. I wish you would get away from the people who are bringing you down, because you don't seem happy.
7. You are the most two-faced person I know. It is obvious that you are so unhappy that you can't be happy for anyone else. You have such low self-esteem that you are incapable of making decisions for yourself, and are in need of constant approval. I honestly don't know why your spouse married you, much less stayed with you for almost 20 years. You are a bitch and you need to be on medication because you have serious emotional problems.
8. I really care about you, but I think that you are immature sometimes and don't know how to deal with real world problems. I really thought that we were going to be good friends, but now I don't know if I still feel that way.
9. I am in love with you. I have always loved you, and I always will love you, that will never change. I really wish that I could tell you how much you meant o me, but it's hard because of our past. I also think you are making a huge mistake but no one can make that decision for you, but yourself.
10. You are one of my best friends and we are so much alike. Sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself. You are always there for me, but don't hesitate to tell me when I'm being a fuck up. Sometimes I need tough love though and you give me that. I feel like we aren't as close as we used to be because of our busy lives and the distance between us, and that makes me sad.
11. Where do I begin with you? You have made so many mistakes that have shaped my adult life. You weren't supportive when I needed you the most. You were supposed to give me unconditional love and support but you failed. You were always judgemental and nothing was ever good enough, and it still isn't. I learned a lot from you about what I don't want to become. I will always have anger toward you and nothing you do now can change that.
12. I think you are narrow-minded and ignorant. You give stupid advice that no one in their right mind would glisten to. It irritates me just to hear you talk. I think you failed your child and they have suffered because of it. They don't know how to show love because you are such a cold person and didn't give them the affection that they deserved. I am glad that I only have to deal with you a few times a year.
13. You don't have your priorities in order. You let your spouse dictate everything you do in your life and I don't understand why you are married to someone who is so needy. Our relationship has really suffered because you never stood up for yourself.
14. I wish I would've never met you. You are controlling and abusive. You are the biggest dick I know and I hate you. It's really sad how stupid I was about our relationship, because I am better than that and deserve more.
15. I am really glad that we have become such good friends. You have helped me so much since Aaron's been gone. I do think you need to quit partying so much and have different priorities. But you are a great person and I hope we are friends for a long time.
16. We didn't get to spend as much time together as we needed to. I miss you every day and need you so often. You set the greatest example I had in my life. You were really like a mother to me, and I love you so much.
17. I don't know why I was ever friends with you. You were always a hypocrite and thought everyone else was so wrong yet you were doing stuff that was even worse. You made every one believe that you were so perfect, but it was just a huge lie. I'm glad that I moved away and got away from you.
18. Your life is so sad. I hope that some day you figure out what you want from life. You had so much potential yet you got involved with the wrong people and ruined your life. I wish that we could've remained friends and I could've helped you before it was too late.
19. You make me happier than most things in my life. I wish I could spend all day with you every day! Having your companionship has helped me so many times and I can't bear to think of you getting old. You always make me smile.
20. I don't think anyone knows the real you. You find it very hard to really trust people. Some of the people you have loved most in your life have hurt you the most. I don't know if you will ever be really happy, but you seem to accept things the way they are even though you always wonder "what if." You are too scared to take that chance that could make you happiest. It's sad that you might spend your whole life never knowing true love.
It's time to break out the snow suit! The A/C at work is set as low as it will get...below 50! Do you want to know why? Cause I work with a bunch of fat menopausal bitches! Just because you're having hot flashes does not give you the right to make me suffer for eight hours a day by sitting at my desk shivering! Be considerate to the other people who are in the room, seriously.
So I had my follow-up ultrasound on Tuesday. Little Hannah is a mover and a shaker! I feel her move all the time, but seeing how active she is in that tight little space is unreal! Anyway, the ultrasound tech couldn't really give me and info on the tissue that's growing, but she did show it to me. I won't know any more about it until my 24 week appointment - which is still two weeks away! So I am hoping for a good report.
While I was having the ultrasound done I thought I might have this tech confirm that I am in fact having a girl, just to be on the safe side. She said that she is positive that my baby is a now it's time to paint the nursery pink! I asked her for more pics, cause hey who doesn't want as many pics of their unborn child as they can get? She was kinda snotty about it and told me that I should've gotten them at my last appointment, which I did. But I mean while you're looking around in there couldn't you just get one good shot of her face? Her daddy is deployed, I'm sure he'd like to see them too since he is pretty uninvolved in the whole thing. So she took one, which was pretty blurry, so I'm not even going to bother posting it. And she had been sucking her thumb and it was just the sweetest thing, but of course the tech didn't bother to capture that Kodak Moment.
While I was having the ultrasound done I thought I might have this tech confirm that I am in fact having a girl, just to be on the safe side. She said that she is positive that my baby is a now it's time to paint the nursery pink! I asked her for more pics, cause hey who doesn't want as many pics of their unborn child as they can get? She was kinda snotty about it and told me that I should've gotten them at my last appointment, which I did. But I mean while you're looking around in there couldn't you just get one good shot of her face? Her daddy is deployed, I'm sure he'd like to see them too since he is pretty uninvolved in the whole thing. So she took one, which was pretty blurry, so I'm not even going to bother posting it. And she had been sucking her thumb and it was just the sweetest thing, but of course the tech didn't bother to capture that Kodak Moment.
And yesterday I bought my crib! It's being ordered and should be here in 7-14 days. I'm super excited, here is a pic of it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
So during the day when I'm at work I don't do much, I'll just be honest. And while I am sitting at my desk not doing much I watch videos on YouTube to keep away the boredom.
I just had to share these, they are too cute!
Injured Bad
I just had to share these, they are too cute!
Injured Bad
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