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Thursday, August 13, 2009

If it's not one thing...'s another!

So my other little pug, Eddy, got his tooth knocked out! He has an under bite and his bottom teeth stick out, and it's the one right in the middle. So he looks like a redneck! I actually found the tooth and called the vet, but I guess that don't put animal teeth back in like they do human ones. I'm not exactly sure how it got knocked out, but I found it by the fence in our back yard. The neighbor's big-ass German Shepard and him constantly bark at each other through the fence. And that big mother-fucker is so heavy that when he jumps against the fence he knocks the boards loose. I think one of them must've hit Eddy in the face and knocked out his little tooth. Poor pug!

AND it has been nine days since I talked to my husband. This is the longest we have ever gone without communication, and I'm not too happy about it. He told me that they were gong on a long mission, so at least I was prepared not to hear from him, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it! Last time he was deployed we talked almost every day, and this time I'm lucky if he calls twice a week. This deployment sucks and I am ready for it to be over!


  1. At least RA is coming home soon. The next couple months will fly be with me there and then BAM! he will be there! wuhu.

  2. Poor puppy!!! And I hope you get to talk to him SOON!
