Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 6, 2009

At last!

I have reached my third (and final) trimester! I am officially 7 months pregnant.....only 80something days to go! I can hardly believe it. The time has just flown by, and I am hoping the last three months do as well too. Her room is 98% done and I could have a small children's store in her closet, with all of the clothes that it contains. 12 weeks to go, and counting...

So, as many of you can guess there are several reason why being pregnant while my husband is deployed sucks. Such as, no one to rub my feet and back, no one to go to the store at midnight because I drink milk like it's going to expire tomorrow, and want it right now, and as I have mentioned , having to do his normal household duties, and of course no sex when I have raging hormones!. But there are reasons that it doesn't suck.

1. Hair grows faster and thicker (and sometimes darker) while pregnant. No one sees my naked body but me, so I can deal with it for a few days longer than if he were here having to look at his hairy wife. I would constantly being shaving/tweezing/waxing something in fear of frightening him when we go to bed.

2. My body temperature is slightly higher, so I can crank up the A/C and don't have to listen to him complain about it...and I don't have to lay next to another body in bed, making it that much hotter.

3. I can sleep in whatever position is most comfortable for my bulging belly and take up the whole bed.

4. I can eat whatever, and whenever I want without having to worry about cooking for someone else. Or the fact that I have eatten the same thing for four days in a row because that's what I'm craving...and I don't have to care that he doesn't like it.

5. I have mood-swings and am cranky and irritable. The silliest things piss me off, so by the time he calls I have (usually) cooled off and we don't argue.

Honestly I would rather have him here, but sometimes it nice to do whatever I want whenever I want, because right now I'm pretty focused on myself, not gonna lie! I am growing a human, I think I am entitled to be a little selfish!

1 comment:

  1. Of course you'd prefer he'd be there... Having someone to rub your tooties is essential! Hell I miss it and I'm not growing a human! =) tee hee
