Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The longest day in history!

Today is gonna be the longest day of work for me, EVER! I have my ultrasound appointment tonight at 6:30, in which I will be finding out the baby's gender! So today is already going super slow. But this will hopefully be the last blog that I write in yellow! And hopefully the ultrasound tech gets it right! I have heard too many horror stories from people who were told their baby was one sex and then it came out and it was the other!!!

Okay, so I have one confession to make. This whole time I have been pregnant I have "felt" like I'm having a girl. Now, ultimately I just want a healthy baby. Maybe I would be a little more excited about a girl because let's face it, they just make way cuter clothes for baby girls. And pink is my favorite color. But I don't really care either way. However, since I have felt this whole time that it's a girl I'm afraid that if they tell me it's a boy I might not have the best reaction. Like what if I get upset? Also, with the whole girl thing, we decided on her name right after I found out I was pregnant. We still cannot agree on a boy's name. So if it's a boy I'm gonna feel guilty! If the ultrasound tech tells me it's a boy I don't want me initial reaction to be disappointment. But I honestly think that I might feel that way, just a little bit. And that makes me feel horrible!

Another fear of mine is peeing on the table while I'm having it done. They insist that you drink like 36 ounces of water one hour prior to the exam and you cannot "void" until after it is done. Being pregnant makes me have to pee all the time anyway. I am worried that I won't be able to hold it for that long, especially while they are pushing on my abdomen! Oh my God! How humiliating would that be? Funny, but still embarrassing. All this talk of pee makes me have to pee! Ha!

So the next blog I post will let you all know what I'm having! Ahhhhh I can't believe this day is here already!!!!


  1. Ohhh are we being Captain Poutypants??!! Anywho--whats up with that chicken hanging out in front of kfc?

  2. Wow-- I've never heard of a preggo woman peeing during her ultrasound. Good luck with that!!

    Honestly, I bet you won't be disappointed if you find out its a boy. I can't wait to hear the results!

  3. Good luck!!

    I felt like I was having a boy, but I really wanted to a girl. During our first gender ultrasound we were told we were having a girl and I was super excited. At a 3D/4D ultrasound two weeks later, they said it was a boy. I was a little disappointed, but not shocked because of feeling like it was a boy for so many months. I had already done my girl registry and when we went back to do a boy registry and things just were not as cute, I ended up crying in the middle of Babies R Us because I was so disappointed that I wasn't having a girl. He came out a boy and obviously, I'm not disappointed anymore, but I still want a girl next time!

  4. Can't wait to see/hear what it is!!!!!!! Do you have names picked out? Maybe we talked about this already... hope not, bc I'll feel bad if I forgot. =( So excited for you. just a short 2 hrs to go!
