Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 12, 2009

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

So we got to do the VTC yesterday! I wore a cute little outfit (that he's never seen) and did my hair and make up. I looked pretty hot, not gonna lie! Anyway, they were having technical difficulties on his end (go figure) so he could see me okay but couldn't really hear me. He said I sounded like a robot. I had to practically yell into this microphone and speak slowly. And there was a delay from the time I said something to when he (sorta) heard it. But on my end everything was crystal clear and I could hear him just fine. It was almost like sitting across from him having a conversation! But it was hard because I kept having to repeat myself, and we only had 10 minutes so we really didn't get to say very much.

He asked me why I didn't bring the dogs, and I told him that I had come from work. And he said he could see my baby bump and that he's excited about our baby girl. I was so happy to see him and everything was just great! At the end of our conversation we were saying goodbye and he thanked me for coming (like I would miss it!) and blew me a kiss. That's when I lost it! I started crying and the soldier that was in the room operating the system gave me a hug. I don't think Aaron saw me because he had gone by that time.

But it was great and I hope that we get to do again sometime!


  1. awww that is so sweet! I have the webcam if you wanna jet over here so you guys can see each other for more than ten minutes at a time! =)

  2. Awww so sweet =)... I don't know how you do it! I don't know if I could be strong enough to go through a pregnancy without my husband there all the time! (btw-- I would have emailed you, but I didn't see an option for that. You have a typo! I hate when I have one and no one tells me, so just thought I'd let you know. I'm not trying to be rude I promise!).
