Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 21, 2009

i *heart* 3 day weekends!!!

So, the cheap-ass doctors at Front Range Orthopaedics (aka FRO) have decided to give their lovely employees a paid, three day weekend! Now, in my opinion, I think that every weekend needs to be three days, and we might as well take the whole damn week off for holidays! But anyway, that's besides the point. I have so much planned for this weekend, mostly getting R&R, and (finally) cleaning out the baby's room - which my husband has been using as his own personal army-and-hunting-gear storage facility. Guess what? His crap is being relocated to the garage, along with the hideously ugly gun cabinet that he acquired on our last trip to visit his family in NY (no, not the city, I am not that lucky...some hick-ass town with more cows than people). Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a country girl at heart. After all I am from Kentucky, but I guess when you have lived away from those areas for a few years, it's just really comical when you go back to visit.

I also plan to get some yard work done (well, if it doesn't cut into my R&R time, you know I don't want to exhaust myself!). Oh, and remember the neighbor I was complaining about with the barking dog? Well, I briefly talked to her the other day and she offered to have her son mow my lawn since Aaron is gone and I am preggers. All this time I really thought she was an evil bitch, but she's actually really nice!

I am SO looking forward to all the things I plan on getting done, especially the few hours of extra sleep!


  1. she still needs to tell her dogs to shut the fuck up

  2. OOO Hil's dropped the "f" bomb!!! ooo potty mouth! lol
    Yeah girlie you give notice at that place I have a resume with your name on it- well not literally but you know what i'm getting at! tee hee... Have fun taking it easy this wondermous 3-day weekend.
