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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And then the rains came

Today begins week 18 of my pregnancy, and it is day number 101 of Aaron's deployment. It also happens to be day 5 of this ridiculous rain that we've been having. Colorado is generally a pretty dry place, and in the warmer months we often have wild fire warnings. Now with all this rain it means that I don't have to pay to water my lawn, mother nature is doing it gratis. But enough is enough! After being cooped up inside for the entire winter I am ready for some fresh (dry) air! So, rain rain go away, come again some other day! I also leave for my cruise in four days...I am praying that I don't see one drop of rain while on vacay. All of this rain has made me look forward to the sunshine and sand even more. This rain has over-stayed it's welcome!


  1. DITTO... GET OUTA HERE RAIN!!! Grr... it's miserable huh? Today I'm forcing my ass to get in the gym- just so I don't sit here, eating, getting fatter, watching the Wedding Planner (and other girly-feel-good-movies)!
    I'm down to make a new friend. Are you guys on post?
