Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I am SO looking forward to putting up my Christmas tree! I am in the Christmas spirit in a big way...probably because it has already snowed a few times and snow reminds me of Christmas. This will be the first year that I haven't put up my tree with Aaron since we have lived together. That makes me sad. I miss him.


  1. Sorry you're dealing with stalkers!

    We already put up our tree, because we have to take it down about two weeks before Christmas! I thought it was only fair to the tree to put it up early :)

  2. We put our tree up early too. I justified it because Jacob will be deployed next year so we have to make Christmas extra-special this year!! But I wish we had some of your CO snow; I'm missing it!!

  3. The Angry Army Wife cracks me up!
