Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So, as some of you may know because you follow Hilary's blog we have been doing the program "From couch to 5K." Today is day 5 for us. We both bought new running shoes and are dedicated to it because we want to run the Turkey Trot at Ft Carson in November. I am determined to get my pre-pregnancy body back and secretly I want to be able to out run my husband when he gets back from deployment. He is always giving me a hard time for not being able to "PT" like I did when I was in the Navy. I am a very competitive person, and just wanting to be better than him is enough motivation for me!


  1. Too bad my legs hurt like a mother...

  2. Awww, yay for day 5! I'm successfully completed day 1! but I'll catch up. no worries. I'm back at the gym, so I'll catch up in NO time. :)

    Congrats girls! Woo hoo!

  3. Awesome!! You're a much better person than I am. I would still be milking the "I just had a baby" excuse for a reason not to run.

  4. That's awesome! I have been unmotivated to run lately so maybe reading your posts will give me the momentum I need to start back up.

    Have a great day!
