............everyone has one!
Is it some unwritten law that when a mother sees a pregnant woman she must give her advice or share her stories of pregnancy??? I am so tired of being bombarded by these women who think they have all the secrets to pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing. On top of that the information that they usually give me is either silly, or some old wives tale. What is even more frustrating is advice that contradicts what my doctor has told me! She has a PHD, and has delivered countless babies, I think she knows best.
Aren't a woman's breasts her own private business? Not once you get pregnant! Everyone, and I mean everyone, asks if you are going to breast feed. Excuse me, do you even know my last name? This is not something that I want to discuss with strangers, nor do I think it's any of their business! But they think it is. And to be honest, the idea of it kinda weirds me out! I am fully aware of the nutritional value that breast milk has. And I think I would rather pump and bottle feed my child rather than actually breast feeding. To this I have been told that "obviously my motherly instinct hasn't kicked in," and that I "won't bond with my child." Talk about a slap in the face! So what type of rude responses do these so-called experts give to a mother who simply cannot breastfeed? I think I'm just going to start lying to save myself from hearing these speeches.
What's even better is the list of things people did anyway when they were pregnant. Such as drink caffeine. Mt Dew no less! Or Starbucks every day! And their babies "turned out just fine" (with slight ADHD). My favorite is the woman that told me that drinking a beer wouldn't hurt anything, but that I shouldn't vacuum. So it's fine to give your unborn child fetal alcohol syndrome? I guess then they won't notice the nasty carpet that hasn't been cleaned in 8 months?! I do realize that a little caffeine is permitted and a glass of wine won't hurt. But why take those chances? Maybe I'm just a little more cautious because of losing the last baby. But that is my prerogative.
Now who could forget about getting drugs for the pain while in labor? All I have to say is that unless you are pushing this baby out of your vagina, your unsolicited advice isn't needed, or wanted. Furthermore, your advice isn't needed or wanted for anything concerning my body or my baby. No two pregnancies are alike, so please don't tell me that I am wrong for feeling the way I do about something. If I have a pain that concerns me and I go to the ER, well I guess that's my business. If you aren't paying my medical bills then don't friggin worry about it! I lost a baby and never had the slightest symptom that anything was wrong for three weeks, so excuse me if I am a little nervous about this pregnancy. After all, doesn't everyone just want a healthy, happy baby? As long as that is the end result, does it really matter how we got there in the first place?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Get a life!!!!!
I am irritated beyond belief! So, I work with a couple of women that are bitches (yes I said it!) They talk about people all the time - including each other! I am not so naive to think that they haven't talked shit about me...but I have had enough!
This all started yesterday. My husband called me at work from Afghanistan. He doesn't get to call very much and can't really email anymore because the internet is so shitty. So one of the women I work with told me that I shouldn't be taking personal calls while I'm at work. It's my husband, from Afghanistan! And then she proceeded to say that this was my "job." Okay, well, he is my husband, and I'm sorry but I think he is just a little more important than this measly little job. And, if you didn't gather from my other post a few days ago, I am over this whole job! I am ready to be a stay at home mom. The only reason that I'm even working now is because 1) We're trying to pay off as much debt as we can before the baby is born, so that we are better off financially when Aaron returns from deploymnet; and 2) It occupies my time while he is gone. But she cannot honestly tell me that if she was in my situation she wouldn't do the exact same thing. After all, she does take an extra 15 minute smoke break in the afternoon which no one is supposed to know about. But I guess we all have our priorities! Mine just happens to be my husband, and hers is a cancer stick. So, needless to say I am slightly miffed that she would have the nerve to tell me that I shouldn't take a 15 minute phone call from my husband overseas. And to top it all off I heard that she and another co-worker were talking about the whole situation afterward. But, if they have nothing better, in their petty little lives, to talk about other than me, go right-a-fucking-head! They need to remember, however, that the reason that they have the right to talk shit about people is because my husband, and other brave servicemen, fight for their freedom to do so!
This all started yesterday. My husband called me at work from Afghanistan. He doesn't get to call very much and can't really email anymore because the internet is so shitty. So one of the women I work with told me that I shouldn't be taking personal calls while I'm at work. It's my husband, from Afghanistan! And then she proceeded to say that this was my "job." Okay, well, he is my husband, and I'm sorry but I think he is just a little more important than this measly little job. And, if you didn't gather from my other post a few days ago, I am over this whole job! I am ready to be a stay at home mom. The only reason that I'm even working now is because 1) We're trying to pay off as much debt as we can before the baby is born, so that we are better off financially when Aaron returns from deploymnet; and 2) It occupies my time while he is gone. But she cannot honestly tell me that if she was in my situation she wouldn't do the exact same thing. After all, she does take an extra 15 minute smoke break in the afternoon which no one is supposed to know about. But I guess we all have our priorities! Mine just happens to be my husband, and hers is a cancer stick. So, needless to say I am slightly miffed that she would have the nerve to tell me that I shouldn't take a 15 minute phone call from my husband overseas. And to top it all off I heard that she and another co-worker were talking about the whole situation afterward. But, if they have nothing better, in their petty little lives, to talk about other than me, go right-a-fucking-head! They need to remember, however, that the reason that they have the right to talk shit about people is because my husband, and other brave servicemen, fight for their freedom to do so!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Trimester Numero Dos!
Today officially marks the beginning of my second trimester! *HUGE sigh of relief* The last 3 months have been like walking on egg shells. That is because we lost a baby last year when I was 12 weeks. The baby didn't actually live that long, but I had what is called a "missed" miscarriage. I went in for my 12 week appointment and there was no heartbeat. The measurements from the ultrasound concluded that it had stopped growing somewhere around 9 weeks but my body didn't recognize it and expel the tissue.
So as happy as we have been about this pregnancy, it felt like we were jinxing ourselves by getting too excited. But now I feel like I can actually celebrate! My 12 week appointment went great and the doctor said that we are both as healthy as can be! I am 14 weeks pregnant and due Oct 27. Aaron's R&R is scheduled around then...I just hope my little sweet pea doesn't make their debut early!
I should find out in about 5 weeks whether it's a boy or a girl. I kind of "feel" like it's a girl...but I could always be wrong lol. I have had tons of support from my friends, which is especially appreciated since my husband is deployed and I don't have anyone to share my joy and fear with. I have been accompanied by friends to every single appointment so far! Taylor went with me to the ER when I had a little scare (everything was okay), Sam went with me to my 12 week ultrasound, and Hilary went with me to my 12 week appointment, and video taped it to send to the hubby (which he said was "pretty cool"). So thank you for all of the support and prayers (I saw lots posted on Mrs High Heels page). It means more than you will ever know!

Monday, April 27, 2009
It wouldn't be Easter in Colorado without snow!
I realize that Easter has already passed, but it snowed that day just like it has for the past three years that I've lived here. And the next day was a sunny 70! The weather in Colorado is crazy this time of year. Yesterday was sunny and fair...and I woke up to snow falling this morning. I always keep my winter coat in my car just in case, cause it could change at any moment.
Take for instance a few weeks ago when my best friend Hilary (High Heels) came to visit. The day I picked her up from the airport it was beautiful! Sunny, not a cloud in the sky...but the next day it rained, turned into hail, turned into a winter mix and finally we had a tornado warning. We woke up the next day to snow, snow and more snow. We still went shopping at the outlet mall that is outdoors (we were on a mission!). But that's besides the point. Of course, the day she left it was beautiful again. The poor weather did not at all interfere with our fun one bit! For more information on that trip (and pics!) please refer to her page: http://highheelscombatboots.blogspot.com/2009/04/colorado-springsfort-carson-trip-2.html
So I am anxiously awaiting an end to the winter weather. I have a lot of projects planned for my yard that I want to start soon. Not to mention cooking on the grill. This is something that my wonderful husband prides himself in. I let him continue thinking that I do not know how to operate the grill, it gives me a nice break to cooking in the summer. But since he is gone I have had to resort to doing it myself (like so many other aspects of my life). And I am not about to give up BBQ chicken! This pregnant lady has needs! I will put on a scarf and gloves, but come hell or high water, maybe in my case a blizzard, I am having that chicken for dinner tonight. I will let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!
Take for instance a few weeks ago when my best friend Hilary (High Heels) came to visit. The day I picked her up from the airport it was beautiful! Sunny, not a cloud in the sky...but the next day it rained, turned into hail, turned into a winter mix and finally we had a tornado warning. We woke up the next day to snow, snow and more snow. We still went shopping at the outlet mall that is outdoors (we were on a mission!). But that's besides the point. Of course, the day she left it was beautiful again. The poor weather did not at all interfere with our fun one bit! For more information on that trip (and pics!) please refer to her page: http://highheelscombatboots.blogspot.com/2009/04/colorado-springsfort-carson-trip-2.html
So I am anxiously awaiting an end to the winter weather. I have a lot of projects planned for my yard that I want to start soon. Not to mention cooking on the grill. This is something that my wonderful husband prides himself in. I let him continue thinking that I do not know how to operate the grill, it gives me a nice break to cooking in the summer. But since he is gone I have had to resort to doing it myself (like so many other aspects of my life). And I am not about to give up BBQ chicken! This pregnant lady has needs! I will put on a scarf and gloves, but come hell or high water, maybe in my case a blizzard, I am having that chicken for dinner tonight. I will let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Weekends really need to be longer...
I really think weekends need to be three days. One day to have fun, one day to clean and run errands, and one day to relax. There just isn't enough time in two days to get everything done and be ready to go back to work on Monday! Ugh, I hate working 40 hours a week. Right now I really need a part-time job!
Anyway, enough ranting. Got to talk to the hubs again today. He's doing good. He really hates it there, but luckily they got electricity in their tent! Wow, the modern conveniences we take for granted...I can't imagine having to do half of what those guys do. He says the internet really sucks and that to have wireless for his laptop it costs a lot of money, and isn't worth it. So I don't know how often I'll be hearing from him, but I know that he does his best. Also, he got to see Toby Keith in concert! I thought that was pretty cool. AND the best part is that he got an address so I get to send him a package tomorrow! My favorite part of being an Army Wife!
Anyway, enough ranting. Got to talk to the hubs again today. He's doing good. He really hates it there, but luckily they got electricity in their tent! Wow, the modern conveniences we take for granted...I can't imagine having to do half of what those guys do. He says the internet really sucks and that to have wireless for his laptop it costs a lot of money, and isn't worth it. So I don't know how often I'll be hearing from him, but I know that he does his best. Also, he got to see Toby Keith in concert! I thought that was pretty cool. AND the best part is that he got an address so I get to send him a package tomorrow! My favorite part of being an Army Wife!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Update on the Hubs and other fascinating things in my life...
Soooo I got an email from Aaron. He made it safely to his new destination (which is Afghanistan, for those of you that weren't already aware). This is what he had to say:
"Hey I finally made it here, I got in yesterday afternoon and have been workin my ass off since. Everything sucks balls here, internet is really gay along with the phones its just like when i was in rawah. I will try to call as soon as possible dont send anything yet until i get a confirmed mailing address. Well im gonna go love ya lots and miss ya very much muah!!!"
Awwww isn't he sweet?? I also heard that my poor husband is having to live in accommodations that have no electricity and have been abandoned for quite some time. Bless his heart! Please keep him and his fellow soldiers, and their families in your prayers. I'm sure they are much needed at this time! There is also a story that CNN did about his unit: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/04/23/troops.iraq.afghanistan/index.html#cnnSTCText
Another blogger wife was kind enough to share this with me. I think the first picture on the left, when you open the page, might be my soldier, but I'm not positive. It's hard to tell when they are wearing ACU's and have sunglasses on! I guess that's the point...so they all look "uniform." Anyway, that means that I can resume my wifely duties and get his packages in the mail as soon as he gets a confirmed address.
The other exciting news is that I got invited to go on a Caribbean cruise with my awesome friend Taylor and her mom and sister! So you know I jumped on that opportunity. We will be leaving on May 30 and will return June 7. And we will be stopping in Cozumel, Grand Cayman Islands, Isla Rotan, and Belize. I have never been out of the country, even to Mexico or Canada. I am as excited as a kid in a candy store!
"Hey I finally made it here, I got in yesterday afternoon and have been workin my ass off since. Everything sucks balls here, internet is really gay along with the phones its just like when i was in rawah. I will try to call as soon as possible dont send anything yet until i get a confirmed mailing address. Well im gonna go love ya lots and miss ya very much muah!!!"
Awwww isn't he sweet?? I also heard that my poor husband is having to live in accommodations that have no electricity and have been abandoned for quite some time. Bless his heart! Please keep him and his fellow soldiers, and their families in your prayers. I'm sure they are much needed at this time! There is also a story that CNN did about his unit: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/04/23/troops.iraq.afghanistan/index.html#cnnSTCText
Another blogger wife was kind enough to share this with me. I think the first picture on the left, when you open the page, might be my soldier, but I'm not positive. It's hard to tell when they are wearing ACU's and have sunglasses on! I guess that's the point...so they all look "uniform." Anyway, that means that I can resume my wifely duties and get his packages in the mail as soon as he gets a confirmed address.
The other exciting news is that I got invited to go on a Caribbean cruise with my awesome friend Taylor and her mom and sister! So you know I jumped on that opportunity. We will be leaving on May 30 and will return June 7. And we will be stopping in Cozumel, Grand Cayman Islands, Isla Rotan, and Belize. I have never been out of the country, even to Mexico or Canada. I am as excited as a kid in a candy store!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Howdy y'all
So, you might be wondering who I am, or why I'm here. Well, let me tell you...
My amazingly wonderful friend, Hilary (aka High Heels) told me that I should start blogging. After careful consideration, I thought that maybe she was right. So here I am!
So hello to all you wonderful people reading my blog, I hope that you find my life as interesting as I think it is. Ha!
Today is April 22, 2009. Which also happens to be day number 67 of my husband's deployment and day number 92 of my pregnancy. Things are going well for both of those topics, which is a good thing, because those are the most important things in my life at the moment! This is the second deployment for my husband and I. My feelings and attitude toward it are different than the last time. Maybe it's because I know what to expect...well as much as you can when dealing with the Army! As we all know, nothing is ever set in stone, and everything takes forever to happen!
Like for instance, my husband's deployment orders were to go to Iraq. After two weeks in country, someone (I'm assuming that person would be Robert Gates) decided to move his unit to another undisclosed location. Now that's all fine and good, I get it, they have to go where they're needed. But I would just think that the United States Army could be a little more organized and efficient, not to mention timely. Obviously it is not run by a woman. So we were told to stop sending mail immediately because they would be leaving asap. That was over a month ago, and guess what, they still haven't left. The thing that irritates me about this is that I really enjoy sending care packages, it is the only way I have to show my love. And to top that off I wasn't able to send my sweet husband a package for his birthday, which probably breaks my heart more than his, but I'm just sayin...
My amazingly wonderful friend, Hilary (aka High Heels) told me that I should start blogging. After careful consideration, I thought that maybe she was right. So here I am!
So hello to all you wonderful people reading my blog, I hope that you find my life as interesting as I think it is. Ha!
Today is April 22, 2009. Which also happens to be day number 67 of my husband's deployment and day number 92 of my pregnancy. Things are going well for both of those topics, which is a good thing, because those are the most important things in my life at the moment! This is the second deployment for my husband and I. My feelings and attitude toward it are different than the last time. Maybe it's because I know what to expect...well as much as you can when dealing with the Army! As we all know, nothing is ever set in stone, and everything takes forever to happen!
Anywho, that leaves me with a pile of things to send, and a list of things he wants, growing bigger by the day (just like my baby bump!). Maybe one of these days someone will figure it out and I can continue sending my love overseas, and my duties as an Army Wife.
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